We are ringing in the new year very quietly here. We had a light, celebratory dinnner that, in a way, incorportated some of our extended family.

Raspberry pie made with raspberries my grandpa gave us from his raspberry patch. He brought a few bags of frozen berries when he came for Christmas. Thanks Grandpa!

Bison salami (with crackers and cheese) from a gift box my sister sent for Christmas. Thanks Sis!

Last, but not least, virgin Strawberry Daquiris made in the Cuisinart Frozen Yogurt-Ice Cream & Sorbet Maker my mom gave us for Christmas. Yummy! We've had this for less than a week and we've already made the daquiris, rootbeer slushies, and mixed berry frozen yogurt. We're looking forward to some wonderful cool, healthy, snacks/desserts as we warm to summer. Thanks Mom!
Once the house is quiet, I'm hoping to pop some popcorn and enjoy a movie. Have a safe and happy night everyone!