Friday, August 2, 2013

Bill Clinton - Vegan

Did you know that Bill Clinton follows a whole foods/plant-based diet?

Bill Clinton: Fan of Caldwell Esselstyn Jr MD

Bill Clinton Explains Why He Became a Vegan

I particularly like the last two paragraphs (emphasis mine):

"If you don't have the willpower to do it for yourself, he adds, do it for your loved ones. "A lot of people who are busy and stressed feel that eating and being comfortable is their reward," he says. But particularly for those who, like him, have children, he says "you have a responsibility to try to be as healthy as possible."

Sounding the themes that still drive him every day, Clinton wraps up our meeting with a message, reminding me that "the way we consume food and what we consume" are driving the unsustainable level of health care spending in America. To truly change the conditions that lead to bad habits and poor health, he warns, "we have to demand it by changing the way we live. You have to make a conscious decision to change for your own well-being, and that of your family and your country.""

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Good Scouting News

I just have to share some positive Scouting news (although I think the way the AP handled the weight guidelines for the Jamboree left a lot to be desired - they could have used this as a headline:  "Boy Scouts of America Encourages and Helps Scouts and Leaders Become Healthier for the National Jamboree", but that doesn't get as many "clicks").  Anyway, here are some wonderful articles about National Jamboree this year.

Unexpected Day of Service: Scouts Save Flooding School

From the Longhouse Council Facebook page:

"2013 National Scout Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Family Scout Reserve by the numbers:

Scouts: 24,682
Scout Adult Leaders: 2,782
Venturers: 2,118
Venturing Adult Leaders: 455
Foreign Scouts: 326
Representing how many nations?: 18
Volunteer Staff: 6,224
Daily Visitors: 12,192
Service Hours Given to Surrounding Communities: 148,800

That's a good start to this brand-new facility!"