Monday, February 4, 2013

Let's Talk Cookware

Cookware is an investment. You use your cookware day in and day out.  It can make your time in the kitchen easy or miserable.  The problem is that there are many different types of cookware and often we don't know the appropriate type to use for the desired job.  Also, we tend to be intimidated by the price of good cookware.  So instead of investing in a piece that will last, we look for the latest deal.  The problem is that cheap cookware doesn't perform well and doesn't last, costing us frustration in the short term and more money in the long term as we regularly replace under-performing pieces.  So, as you shop for cookware, keep the following in mind:
  1. Better cookware will cook your food better
  2. How much cooking you do (and how much you anticipate doing with tools you enjoy using)
  3. What type of cooking you do
  4. What you can afford
  5. In general, you get what you pay for
This week, lets take the mystery out of cookware.  We will cover what to look for when buying cookware and different types of cookware.


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